Thursday, August 7, 2014

Welcome to the Cutting Reel.

It's not always easy being a WWE fan.

Not just because there's always been a bit of a faux pas surrounding the brainchild of Vincent Kennedy McMahon and the "fake wrestlers" that throw each other around for the entertainment of others on a nightly basis, but because when you've been a fan for as long as I have, there are quite a few angles and segments that aren't going to be entirely popular, especially as WWE goes through its current transition stage.

Enter The Cutting Reel, a blog dedicated to dividing the good, the bad, and the ugly from WWE's many weekly segments, as well as providing my opinions on various topics going around the company and superstars that keep me coming back. In other words, I'll be posting what I want, whenever I want. As long as it relates to the WWE, nothing is off limits here.

I'm looking forward to documenting my ride as a humble member of the WWE Universe, and invite any and all who wish to join me on my journey to do so. After all, when it comes to celebrating triumphs or shaking our heads in disgust after a night of bad booking, we're all in this together.

Here's to what should be one hell of a ride.


Andrew Burnes

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