Friday, August 8, 2014

Friday Night Smackdown - August 8, 2014

Another average edition of Friday Night Smackdown presented nothing worthy of note save for Ambrose's announcement of his upcoming Lumberjack match with Rollins and a great match between the latter and the company's most consistently good worker, Dolph Ziggler. Though it was nothing special, that doesn't mean the show wasn't worth watching.

The show kicked off with Ambrose's announcement. While I initially wasn't pleased to hear of the match type, as I thought about it I decided some good things could definitely come out of it. It'll depend on Rollins and Ambrose. Either way, it's the match I'm most looking forward to on another packed Summerslam card.




Opening Bout: Mark Henry and Big Show Def. Ryback and Curtis Axel

We all know Big Show isn't the greatest worker, but for some reason I've always had a soft spot for the guy. Part of it is because when I got into wrestling in mid-2005, I, being small for my size at the time, was in such awe of Big Show's size. The first thing I remember him doing is knocking over that monster truck on the Smackdown stage. I also remember him pulling Carlito into the ring by his hair, for some reason. Anyway, I'm glad to see him back and I like having another tag team in action.

The match itself was much to short to be of any real value, but I did like the double team effort of Axel and Ryback. I wish they were a bigger team, but then there's a lot of things I have wished for the two that will probably never come to pass. As it stands, they've been squashed yet again and find themselves at the very bottom of a not-exactly-stacked tag team division.


Ziggler's promo making fun of Seth Rollins was humorous, especially since he got to Rollins' behind the scenes Cross Fit obsession and ridiculous ring attire in the same sentence. I also found it interesting that Ziggler was flirting with some divas including Eva Marie... but why was Adam Rose in the picture? Something to think about...

Match 2: Sin Cara Def. Damien Sandow

Trivia Time: How many matches out of his substantial 102 has Damien Sandow won this year? 20? 10? The answer, amazingly, is 3.

Tonight was no different. Coming out as a Border Patrol agent, he was easily dispatched in about a minute and a half by Sin Cara, who isn't exactly the most impressive superstar in the win/loss department, himself. The easy high point was Cole's quip about JBL having a history patrolling the border. It's rare that these two make me laugh, but they pulled it off tonight. Kudos.


Match 3: Seth Rollins Def. Dolph Ziggler

Sure we've seen it before, but I knew going in that this was going to be match of the night. Rollins and Ziggler are arguably the two best workers in the company today, and they didn't disappoint here. Seamless reversals and on-the-money DDT's were on display in a match that saw Rollins pick up the inevitably victory. I'm glad Miz and Ambrose were nowhere to be found so that we could enjoy the match to a satisfying conclusion. The finish was not the climax I was looking for, but there's not much else I can knock about this one.

**1/2 Match of the Night

Have you ever noticed how Randy Orton always addresses his interviewers by name? No matter where he is or what persona he's sporting at the time, Orton always starts off his monologues with "Well, [insert interviewer's name here],..." I know it isn't a big deal or anything, but for some reason it really sits well with me. In his interview with Rene here, he ratcheted up the anticipation for his match against Ambrose in the main event with one awesome line, "Even I don't know what I may do tonight." It's this unpredictable rage that made Orton such a fantastic heel in his program with HHH in 2009, and his return to that persona is a breath of fresh air that leaves me very excited for his future. His match with Reigns is another one that should be fantastic.

Match 4: Paige Def. Natalya

It really is a shame that the WWE didn't give these two ladies enough time to really craft a great match, because they could've. Even in the three minutes allotted to them, they managed to give one of the better matches of the night. An outside-the-ring Paigeturn, Sharpshooter escape, nearfall-by-rollup for Natalya, and complete botch by JBL who somehow still isn't aware of Paige's finishing submission, all came together in a lovely package tonight. Here's hoping they'll be able to do something more substantial together in the future.


Match 5: Rusev Def. Big E

Ok, where the HELL are Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods. WWE has been building up for this awesome Nation of Domination-esque gimmick that I've been so excited to see, and now Big E and Woods both have matches this week without the rest of the members? Not the best way to get over an angle. WWE today continues to have consistency problems, and that was all the more clear with this botch in execution.

The match itself wasn't worth the paper it was planned on, especially given that we could've seen a multi-segment Paige/Natalya match in its place. We all know Rusev is a "big, powerful, Putin-loving juggernaut." We didn't need this match to prove it.


One of the main problems with WWE's talent today is the lack of great talkers. Dean Ambrose and Orton come to mind as standouts, but other than the two of them, there isn't a whole lot going on outside of Bray Wyatt's consistent(ly boring) filibusters. However, Jericho proved in his interview time tonight that he's still got it. His poison analogies to Bray and his family were right on the money, and would leave me looking very forward to him Summerslam bout if only it had a special match type. As it stands, its nothing more than a rematch from last month, which is unacceptable especially given Summerslam's supposed status of the second-biggest PPV next to WrestleMania. Great setup for the match by WWE management? No particularly. Awesome promo delivered by Jericho tonight? Without a doubt.

Following this creative burst of energy, we were forced to sit through another Brie Bella/Stephanie McMahon montage. Not only is this feud far from my favorite and destined to disappoint given Brie Bella's status as one of the worst workers in the company (second, perhaps, only to Cameron), but the orchestral music in the spot is so melodramatic it makes Bo Dallas' entrance seem low key. Summerslam can't come fast enough, if only to get this out of the way so we don't have to keep hearing about it.

Main Event: Dean Ambrose Def. Randy Orton

Another Friday night, another match ending in a disqualification. I wonder how many main event matches that is in a row? 5? 7? Far too many, that's for damn sure. Even so, this was easily the second-best match of the night due to the chemistry that Orton and Ambrose share in between the squared circle. Their current personas, a crazy Cactus Jack-meets-Stone Cold renegade that won't stop unless he's knocked unconscious Dean Ambrose vs. a cold, calculating, and malicious Randy Orton. What's not to like? Other than the afore-mentioned, easily predictable DQ, of course. Where the hell was the "This is awesome," chanting crowd for the Rollins/Ziggler match?


                                       Final Analysis

While this wasn't the most eventful Smackdown ever, the Rollins and Ziggler and a couple good promos definitely kept it from being anything below Average. With guys firing on all cylinders to pump intrigue into their upcoming  Summerslam matches, we're on the road to a show that is destined for greatness, even if not everything going on between the ropes on a weekly basis is.

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