Thursday, August 7, 2014

WWE Superstars - August 7


While WWE Superstars is largely a worthless show, anyway, this edition was particularly terrible. While the opening bout had some minimal worth, the so-called "Main Event" was nothing more than a poorly worked squash match.

Opening Bout: Cameron Def. Emma

I can't say I'm surprised, but I will say that I'm disappointed. Having Cameron go over any woman on the roster is sad, considering she is the worst worker in the entire WWE (and that includes Eva Marie). Like Marie, Cameron is an easy target to hate, but unlike Marie she has no redeeming qualities whatsoever. Shrill, annoying, and not even notably attractive, I get the feeling that Cameron is annoying because she's just an annoying person, while Eva Marie plays it up and enjoys it. Probably my least favorite diva of all time. There wasn't much poor Emma could do to save this match from mediocrity. Amazingly, this still managed to be a better match than the one that followed...

- * Match of the Night

Main Event: Sheamus Def. Titus O'Neil

If there has ever been a wrestler more bland than Sheamus (excluding maybe Ted Dibiase Jr.) I couldn't tell you who it is. It takes more than beating your chest raw and then doing the same to your opponent illegally through the ropes to make a fan out of me. And O'Neil's gimmick with the stupid barking homage to his inconsequential college fraternity is something I will never be able to support. While I have enjoyed his appearances with Slater as of late, his red-haired partner was nowhere to be found tonight.

While Sheamus can usually take part in some pretty good matches (exceptional ones, at times), his chemistry with the bumbling O'Neil was nonexistent tonight. O'Neil clumsily through Sheamus around the ring, lumbering over to the ropes to catch his breath in between the sparse segments of action that didn't involve poorly placed punches. Without a smaller opponent to dominate or a partner to play off of, O'Neil needs some serious work before he can ever be taken seriously. It's not like everyone and their grandmother didn't know how this one would end up anyway.

- *1/2

                                        Final Analysis

This was nothing short of a Terrible edition of WWE Superstars. Of course, it's usually nothing more than a highlight reel from the previous edition of RAW, but I expect something more than the disgrace of a show that this was. Judging from the abysmal number WWE Network subscribers almost six months into its existence, it's clear I'm not the only one.

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