Sunday, August 10, 2014

The Week in Review



Goodbye Del Rio.


Following a high-profile match on Monday Night RAW and a main event slot on Main Event, Alberto Del Rio was shockingly fired from WWE after allegedly slapping a "social media ambassador," whatever the hell that is. Most stories indicate that the "ambassador" in question had first insulted Del Rio's race in some way, resulting in the alleged slap. Whether that is the case, firing a wrestler that has won the Royal Rumble and spent the vast majority of 2013 carrying the World Heavyweight Championship is a reckless move on the part of the company.

Lately, it's seemed that the talent is always having to walk on eggshells as it is, and are fired for the smallest things ala the Emma debacle a couple months ago. It's really quite annoying, even from a fan's perspective. Regardless, what's done is done and Alberto Del Rio will no longer be seen performing in the company.

While Del Rio was never really my favorite talent, he definitely had his plusses. He always reminded me of a Mexican Bret Hart, especially with his submission finisher and how he always would hit his knee on the apron when performing strikes. Even his promo style and his carrying of the Mexican Flag to the ring screamed '97 Hart. Oh, and by the way, when Bret Hart attacked Shawn Michaels backstage in early 1997, he was on RAW the next night. Something to think about.

The One Man Band is back, BABAAYYYY.


Heath Slater shocked the WWE Universe when he did the unthinkable: he had a perfect week. After his mind-blowing victory over Seth Rollins on RAW (albeit with the help of Dean Ambrose), he went on to defeat Goldust and Stardust alongside Titus O'Neil on Main Event. In other words, he's had the week of the last few years of his career.

I've always been rather amused by Heath Slater. No matter what he's doing, he always seems to bring some humor into it and usually makes me smile or even chuckle, which is something very few in the company can do these days. After the firing of his 3MB bandmates (a decision that still leaves me with a bad taste in my mouth), Slater appears to be paired with Titus O'Neil, a decision I applaud.

While I did enjoy The Prime Time Players, I've always though O'Neil's focus on his college fraternity is really stupid. He's never been a likable guy (though I guess he wasn't supposed to be), and rarely had good matches on top of that. However, his promos with Heath Slater have given him a breath of fresh air, and sometimes a smile on my face. I don't know how far this team will go, but I'll be pulling for them, out of interest if for no other reason.

Match of the Week: Seth Rollins vs. Dolph Ziggler


After a hilarious promo featuring Ziggler making fun of everything from Rollins' hair to his Cross Fit obsession, it was clear that the two would be having a match later in the evening. While I was pretty sure Rollins would win here, I was also confident that it would end up being match of the night and potentially my pick for match of the week. It didn't disappoint.

Rollins and Ziggler have worked together several times before, and they've already shown that they have good chemistry. They put it on display again here, trading perfectly work move for perfectly work moves. Ziggler planting Rollins into the mat with DDTs and the Fame Asser were instantly believable, if not quite convincing that they would win him the match. Both men sold like champs for the other, and both came out of the match looking great.

Worst Match of the Week: Sheamus vs. Titus O'Neil


On the flipside, the match between Sheamus and Titus O'Neil on this week's Superstars was pathetic. While Sheamus is definitely capable of putting together good matches (sometimes great ones ala his match with Bray Wyatt on Main Event earlier in the year), he's got to be given the right opponent to have the opportunity to do so. Titus O'Neil is not one of those opponents.

Uncomfortable, awkward, and poorly worked, the match was mostly Titus O'Neil sloppily throwing Sheamus around a bit, then lumbering over to the ropes to catch his wind before taking his obviously impending Brogue Kick. There wasn't much Sheamus could do to salvage this one.

The Power 25

This week saw some big movement on my Power 25, especially with Slater's unexpected victory shaking things up.

25. Luke Harper

After several losses following his Tag Team Championship match, Harper barely manages to stay on the Power 25.


24. Erick Rowan

 Like Harper, Rowan has had trouble winning since losing to the Usos at Battleground. Still, there aren't any better tag team competitors on the horizon that seem ready to take his and Harper's spot.


23. Paige

 As sexy as Paige is, she hasn't done anything to convince me that she can beat AJ at Summerslam. Still, she proved in her victory over Natalya, that she's still a force to be reckoned with, and is capable of having a great match if given the opportunity.

22. Emma

 Yeah! Emma! While this choice may be surprising for some, I still remember the week that saw Alicia Fox beat Paige, then turn around and lose to Emma. Until Paige rectifies this wrong, Emma's still a bigger threat in my book...

21. Cameron

  ...Unfortunately, she did lose to Cameron this week, placing Cameron above her on the list. -Sigh-

20. AJ Lee

 I'm AJ's biggest fan, and I'm glad that she's the Divas Champion. However, while she's remained undefeated since her return, she's done so over the likes of Eva Marie and Rosa Mendez... not exactly the most impressive resume. Still, there's no denying that she's the dominant woman in the company right now, no matter how many times she gets pushed off the stage.

19. Jimmy Uso

 Jimmy and his brother Jey have been firing on all cylinders lately. I see no tag team on the horizon that could potentially dethrone them.

18. Jey Uso

 While it is difficult to rank one Uso over the other, I still haven't forgotten how Jey defeated Luke Harper in single action a month or two ago.


17. Sheamus

 Surprisingly enough, Sheamus hasn't been all that impressive as United States Champion. Sure he can beat Titus O'Neil, but who can't? Well, Goldust and Stardust, to be fair, but I expect more from somebody holding the United States Championship.

16. Cesaro

Cesaro has disappointed me as of late. I honestly can't remember the last match he won. It was probably against Sheamus.


15. Dolph Ziggler

 Dolph Ziggler is looking the best he's looked since winning the World Heavyweight Championship from the newly fired Alberto Del Rio. This week saw him pick up a victory over Cesaro on RAW... and a loss to Seth Rollins on Smackdown.

14. R-Truth

 What's up? R-Truth is, Man. Sure, R-Truth has lost to just about everyone on this list (and others that didn't even make it), but for God's sake, the man beat Bo Dallas! Even the # 1 Contender for the Intercontinental Championship Dolph Ziggler couldn't do that. Maybe it's time we see that US championship back on Truth's shoulder.

13. Bo Dallas

 Bo Dallas rectified his double loss to R-Truth and finds himself back on the move in the right direction this week.

12. Seth Rollins

 Hey man, we all have bad weeks. Sure Rollins beat the hot Dolph Ziggler on Smackdown, but that was only having lost to Heath Slater of all people on RAW.

11. Heath Slater

 Hell yeah! I don't know if WWE is pushing Slater for real of if this week was just a one-off thing for the red-maned rocker wannabe. For this week's purposes, it doesn't really matter. Heath Slater is firing on all cylinders. Who can stop him?

10. Jack Swagger

Swagger has looked impressive lately. He may even be the man to beat Rusev at Summerslam. So far, he's already gotten several DQ/Countout wins over the man. He also beat Alberto Del Rio in his last match for the company.

9. Adam Rose

 Look, I hate Adam Rose as much as the next guy, but that doesn't change the fact that the guy is undefeated. Unlike Rusev, he doesn't even have a DQ or countout loss to his credit. Plus he's pinned Jack Swagger. Believe it or not.

8. The Miz

 I've actually always hated The Miz, especially when he was being pushed as a babyface. But now that he thinks he's a Hollywood star, I find myself laughing every time he's onscreen. The fact that every single one of his movies absolutely sucks only makes the joke that much funnier. Too bad he wasn't on any of the shows this week.

7. Bray Wyatt

 Wyatt may not be receiving help at Summerslam against Jericho, but he's still a dehumanizing force. It's anyone's ballgame when he and Y2J lock up.

6. Chris Jericho

It's great to see Jericho doing so well upon his return. It's too bad he'll inevitably leave again to go make some more terrible music with Fozzy. God they suck.

5. Roman Reigns


Roman Reigns is still impressive, even if he is still reeling after Randy Orton's assault a couple weeks ago. That didn't stop him from demasking Kane after beating the hell out of him in a Last Man Standing match on RAW.

4. Randy Orton


Orton is the best he's been since losing the WWE World Heavyweight Championship to Daniel Bryan. Now he looks to beat Reigns at Summerslam. I can't wait to see what happens.

3. Dean Ambrose


Man, how awesome is Dean Ambrose? That guy takes a licking and keeps on ticking (remind you of someone?). His match with Rollins is the Summerslam match I'm most looking forward to, no small feat considering how stacked the card is.

2. John Cena


I can't remember the last time Cena lost a match. That being said, his outlook for Summerslam isn't good as he prepares to step in the ring for the ass-kicking of a lifetime.          

1. Brock Lesnar


Like it or not, Brock Lesnar did conquer the streak at WrestleMania. The smart money's on him conquering John Cena at Summerslam and becoming the WWE World Heavyweight Champion, too.

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